Thursday, January 6, 2011

In Class 1-6-11

In class today we talked about the last few questions on the North Korea vs. South Korea paper. It turned into our discussion about what North Korea does to be so defensive about everything, including why Google maps doesn't have any map on North Korea, and how traveling to see North Korea is so strange so Koreans cant leave. We also talked about  the kind of control North Korea leaders have over their people and how little of rights they have, like not being able to have cell phones, or how they can't leave. We said that Kim Jong Il is probably going to die in the next two years because he has already had a stroke and is 69 years old. Only 9.4% of North Korean citizens live to be over 65 so he can't have much longer. Since his death is known to be in the near future they have already decided that his one of his sons will take power as soon as his father dies. The United States is worried about when Kim Jong Il's son comes into power, he will try to prove that he is tough by launching missiles at South Korea or something like that. Kim Jong's son is actually already being given a nickname for WHEN he rules. We are beginning to worry about how a new leader of North Korea could be even worse then Kim Jong Il by trying to be like his father and earn respect for not being a bluff or something. We also learned that we are using the Koreas as a basically proxy site, because we were basically fighting the Russians by using South Korea for our side and the Russians used the North Koreans.

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