Wednesday, September 29, 2010

In Class 9-29-10

I wasn't in class today because we had a game against Calvert Hall. In class we were supposed to take a 100 point test so i guess thats what you all did. So its probably a good idea if i made that up tomorrow. But since i wasn't in class thats all i have to say.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

In Class 9-28-10

In class today, we spent a good amount of time getting some peoples final grade in for their 9/11 paper in the grade 'book' for their mid-quarter grades. After we got over all these grades and stuff, we started going over whats going to be on the test on Wednesday because its a 100 point test and that will affect our overall grade really bad. We talked about how America was the only country that has ever dropped a nuclear bomb, but Iran HAS a nuclear bomb. Iran won't be able to drop that bomb on us though because we have so many jets and satellites that go through the air at all times so we are protected from an aircraft from other countries. We also told how Iran and Iraq would try to take Israel off the face of the planet, either politically or literally. Mecca is Islams most holy place in the world. I asked if we would bomb Iran's nuclear plant with a little bomb that would set off Iran's nuke that they are building, and Mr. Schick told me that there are people in the government that are trying to do just that. Al-Quida, the terrorist group formed by Osama Bin Ladin, was the group that attacked us on 9/11. Christianity is the largest religion in the world, with 2.2 to 2.3 billion followers. Islam's holy book is the Qur'an, the Judaism holy book is the Torah, and the Christian holy book is the Holy Bible. Christianity and Judaism's holy place is Jerusalem. Judaism has 14 to 17 million followers. Islam has over 1 billion followers. All three religions (Islam, Judaism, and Christianity) are Abrahamic religions. Iran has a theocracy, this means they live by the law in the Qur'an. By law, Muslims have to prey to Mecca five times a day. I'm pretty sure that was a good enough blog to get a 100% in your class for the year.

Friday, September 24, 2010

In Class 9-24-10

In class we all presented our prezis. Everyone took notes about what they heard that was important into their blog. My notes were:

  • A Muslim a follower of the religion of Islam. The word Muslim means one who submits to God
  • The Qur'an is the Islam Holy Book
  • The Holy Bible is the Christian Holy Book 
  • Christians believe in The Father, The Son, and The Holy Spirit is three in one
  • All three religions are monotheistic
  • Jews believe Jesus was a prophet, but believe Yahweh is the only real God
  • Mecca, Medina, and Jerusalem are the three major holy sites that Muslims believe in an prey to.
  • Christian population is 2.1 billion, the most practiced religion in the world
  • Islam believes that Allah is the all mighty God.
  • The Jewish population is 13-14 million, the 12th largest religion in the world
  • The Jewish Holy Book is the Torah 
  • Christianity has many different denominations. They all have the same basic idea about Jesus Christ and God but some churches are more orthodox then other churches within Christian beliefs 
  • Jesus was born onto earth as a Jew, but brought the faith of Christianity. 
  • All three religions began in the Middle East. All pretty close to each other. 

Prezi Link

Thursday, September 23, 2010

In Class 9-23-10

In class today we got in our groups and put some information on Christianity, Islam, and Judaism in our prezi that we started the other day when i wasn't in class. My group was me, Jordan, Catherine, Colleen, and Cole and Cole was the one that was putting down the information on the prezi. 

Friday, September 17, 2010

In Class 9-17-10

In class today we got in groups and I was in a group with Amir, Jordan, and Jessica. We had to randomly pick a country out of a bucket and we got Iran. After researching Iran we went over all the groups told the class what they learned. Important things that were said by groups were; Egypt is located in between the Mediterranean Sea, Red Sea, and Nile River. There are over 76,000,000 people in Egypt, thats 16th most in the world, but they are not very ethnically diverse. Saudi Arabia's population is 28,686,633 they're #2 in oil production in the world and #1 in the world for oil exports. Saudi Arabia is 100% Muslim.  

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Identifying Countries

#1: United States is found in North America

#2: France is found in Europe

#3: Iraq is found in Asia

#4: China is found in Asia

#5: Saudi Arabia is found in Asia

#6: Haiti is found in South America

#7: India is found in Asia 

#8: Japan is found in Asia

#9: Venezuela is found in South America

#10: Iran is found in Asia

#11: Russia is mainly found in Europe but some of it is in Asia

#12: The United Kingdom is found in Europe

#13: Israel is found in Asia

#14: Germany is found in Europe 

#15: Tibet is found in Asia

#16: Afghanistan is found in Asia

#17: Brazil is found in South America

#18: North Korea is found in Asia

#19: Egypt is found in Africa

#20: Kenya is found in Africa

#21: Pakistan is found in Asia 

#22: Vietnam is found in Asia

#23: Mexico is found in South America

#24: Cuba is found in South America

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

In Class 9-15-10

In class today we talked about how to use The CIA Factbook faster than just typing what your looking for in the search  bar. Also we talked about why 12 of the 13 countries with the highest birth rate are African countries.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

In Class 9-14-10

In class today we figured out that only eight out of 19 people in the class successfully posted they're 9/11 essay to they're blog. Me, Mark, and Amir went around the room helping the other students that didn't know how to publish they're essay. Also in class Mr. Schick was threatened over the phone that he was going to get beaten by a stick.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

What We Did in Class 9-8-10

In class today we went over what happened on 9-11, and how it affected our economy. We also talked about Flight 93, the passangers that fought off the fourth airplane hijacking crashing into the ground instead of The Capital Building

In Class 9-7-10

In class yesterday we went over the definitions, largest religions, most populated countries and the population of the earth that we wrote in the last blog. We also went over how to find out wich sites are reliable and how to find out if a site isn't reliable.

Friday, September 3, 2010

End of week one blog

Geography: the science dealing with the areal differentiation of the earth's surface, as shown in the character, arrangement, and interrelations over the world of such elements as climate, elevation, soil, vegetation, population, land use, industries, or states, and of the unit areas formed by the complex of these individual elements.

Globalization: When a company expands to operate internationally

Population: The ammount of people in one region

Immigration: Non-native people moving to a new area to settle.

Industrialization: Introducing an industry to an area.

Re-worded deffinitions from

The population of the earth is 6,768,181,146 people.

Top 5 most populated countries on the earth:                 

#1: China: 1,338,612,968 people                                

#2: India: 1,156,897,766 people

#3: United States: 307,212,123 people

#4: Indonesia: 240,271,522 people

#5: Brazil: 198,739,269 people                          I got all of my population numbers from the CIA factbook.

The 5 largest countries in the world:

#1: Russia

#2: Canada

#3: United States

#4: China

#5: Brazil                                            found on :            

Top 5 religions in the world:

#1: Christianity

#2: Islam

#3: Athiest

#4: Hinduism

#5: Chinese traditional religion

found on:

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Video Statistics

In the video we watched in class today i learned that in India there are more honors students than the U.S has kids all together, this influences me becuase India is a third world country and they dont have as much money as us but more kids are getting a better grasp on what theyre learning. Also in the video it said that currently students are preparing for jobs that dont exist yet, this influences me because I'm a student so I'll have to soon prepare for these jobs that arn't yet jobs

six word assignment

I like playing Football and Baseball