Tuesday, September 28, 2010

In Class 9-28-10

In class today, we spent a good amount of time getting some peoples final grade in for their 9/11 paper in the grade 'book' for their mid-quarter grades. After we got over all these grades and stuff, we started going over whats going to be on the test on Wednesday because its a 100 point test and that will affect our overall grade really bad. We talked about how America was the only country that has ever dropped a nuclear bomb, but Iran HAS a nuclear bomb. Iran won't be able to drop that bomb on us though because we have so many jets and satellites that go through the air at all times so we are protected from an aircraft from other countries. We also told how Iran and Iraq would try to take Israel off the face of the planet, either politically or literally. Mecca is Islams most holy place in the world. I asked if we would bomb Iran's nuclear plant with a little bomb that would set off Iran's nuke that they are building, and Mr. Schick told me that there are people in the government that are trying to do just that. Al-Quida, the terrorist group formed by Osama Bin Ladin, was the group that attacked us on 9/11. Christianity is the largest religion in the world, with 2.2 to 2.3 billion followers. Islam's holy book is the Qur'an, the Judaism holy book is the Torah, and the Christian holy book is the Holy Bible. Christianity and Judaism's holy place is Jerusalem. Judaism has 14 to 17 million followers. Islam has over 1 billion followers. All three religions (Islam, Judaism, and Christianity) are Abrahamic religions. Iran has a theocracy, this means they live by the law in the Qur'an. By law, Muslims have to prey to Mecca five times a day. I'm pretty sure that was a good enough blog to get a 100% in your class for the year.

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